As a little girl, my Grandad on my Fathers side, Roy, use to give me Andes mints when I would come talk to him. He was an artistic, yet stubborn man, who died before I was a teenager from lung cancer. He is actually the reason I am so adamantly against smoking, but my political opinions really do not belong lingering in this blog. These mints remind me of sticky days, in smokey rooms listening to the sound of an oxygen machine, the Price is Right playing on the television screen. Later in my life, they would remind me of long boring evenings sitting at a Mexican food restaurant listening to my parents talk to friends.
These little chocolates have a smoothe mint flavor, unlike many mint candies, you can still taste the chocolate in them behind the mint flavor. I have always been a fan of eating the chocolate layers first, then the mint layer. But I am a strange flower.
These little candies have an elegant feel, and make a normal night just a bit more classy.
I remember eating these as a kid too and thinking they were so classy :)