Monday, August 27, 2012

Homemade lasagna

To start, I am sorry for no picture. I had not eaten all day and my phone is dead... so it just did not happen.

So. Here is my recipe for homemade lasagna.

Whatcha are going to need:
1 box of lasagna noodles(I got mine at the dollar tree because I am cheap)
1 50oz package (or a package w/ three scoops removed) of ricotta cheese
1 ball of fresh mozzerella
Some parm cheese (amounts may vary)
2  eggs
1 T Basil (fresh, frozen or dried)
2 cloves of garlic 
1 T of Italian Seasoning
1 Can or Jar of Pre-made tomato Sauce(unless you are not lazy and want to make your own)
1 Onion

Ok, so to start you need to get those noodles cooked. Boil water and cook it. Once it is cooked, drain it and VERY IMPORTANT. DRY those noodles. (For many years my mom would make nasty lasanga that was watery because she would not DRY THE NOODLES)

For your sauce. Dice that onion, sautee it in a bit of olive oil and add the garlic cloves squeezed or diced or however you like making garlic flavor come out. Once the onions start going soft, add your cheap sauce because you are a thrifty mother fucker. Now make it taste better with that basil and italian seasoning. If you always have a bottle of open going bad red wine sitting around... like I do...splash some of that in there too.  Let this mixture cook and thicken.

Now for the cheese sauce. Toss all the ricotta, the eggs, a few tablespoons of parm, and shred about 2/3rd of that parm ball into a bowl. Mix it up!.

Next is layering time.

Start with a layer of sauce, just enough to lube the pan.
Then a layer of noodles. Overlay them a bit so there is no space in the pan. Now take 1/3 of your fancy cheese mix and spread it over the noodles. Next add some sauce over that.... then noodles again... then cheese... then sauce... then noodles.... then cheese. Then sauce and that should fill your tray. I used a 9 by 12 pan myself.  If not keep going until you A:Run out of ingredients or B: run out of  space.

Now it is time to cook!
350 degrees. Cover your lasagna and cook for 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes pull it out, uncover it. Shred the rest of your mozzarella on top, and cook for another 15 minutes covered. You should be all set. Dinner time!

Notes: I never cook with salt, you might want to add some.
Moar sauce is better than less.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a delicious recipe! Next time I get a craving for lasagna I will check back here.
