Bought a bag of these Mini-Sweet peppers. Having no real plans for them, but not wanting them to go to waste in my fridge and mold. I scoured the internet for a good recipe.
I am not a fan of overly complicated dishes, or using too many expensive ingredients. What if the dish comes out bad? What if I do not have the talents to execute the proper steps to make top dollar peppers! The horrors of my over active imagination.

So instead of risking them to a recipe I did not have at hand, and instead of wasting time cooking all night. I continued reading my current book and instead, cut off the ends and cleaned them out. Arranged them haphazardly on a tray. Gave them a spray of butter (because butter is the only flavor of canned oil I have right now, Olive oil would have been better) and then dusted them with garlic salt.
Instead of making an elegant meal to serve them with, I ordered a few pizzas from Dominos(who happened to be having a 5.99 for medium two topping pizzas deal). and placed these on top of them. Dinner.
P.S. I don't take the skins off, I happen to like the flavor/texture the skin provides.
Those peppers look very tasty!